
 Main information

• Medja (Gebiet in Nubien) german translation
• Medja (in Nubia) english translation
• entity_name: place_name part of speech
• 78410 lemma id
• Wb 2, 186.1-2; vgl. LÄ I, 676 bibliographical information

 Most relevant occurrences

qꜣw n jwr,yt 1 ḥsmn 1 wšm //[33,21]// ḥr ꜥntj,w 1 ẖsꜣ,yt n.t mḏꜣ,w 1 //[33,22]// pr,t-šnj 1 pr,t wꜥn 1 sntr 1 qꜣw n ḏꜣr,t 1 //[34,1]// tpnn 1 bj,t 1
Langbohnenmehl: 1, Natron: 1, (werde?) verrührt mit Myrrhe: 1, $ẖsꜣ.yt$-Balsam aus dem Medja-Land: 1, "Haarfrüchte": 1, Wacholderbeeren: 1, Weihrauch: 1, Mehl vom Johannisbrot: 1, Kreuzkümmel: 1, Honig: 1.
sawmedizin:Papyrus Ebers//25,11-36,3 = Eb 104-187: "Salbmittel gegen das $wḥꜣ$-Leiden": [33,20]
IBUBd7vFGbbeT0u9lecoVX4EzN8 sentence id
jnk mḥ-jb-n(,j)-nswt m ḥw,t-nṯr rʾ-Nḫn m pr Stj,t ⸢nḫb,y⸣ m pr-n[z]r ḥr,j-tp ḥm[,pl]-kꜣ ḫtm,w-bj,tj smr-wꜥ,tj ḥr,j-sštꜣ-n-nswt-m-mšꜥ //[4]// sḏm(.w) sḏm.t ⸮wꜥ? jwi̯ n=f tꜣ.du tm(.du) mn⸢mn⸣=f ḫ[f]t rmṯ.pl r s,t.pl sḫr.t ḫft,j.pl nswt ꜥq-⸢jb⸣ [n]swt [m]-w[ꜥ]ꜥ(,w) [ḥqꜣ.pl] [n.w] spꜣ,t[.pl] [...] ⸮[ḥr]? ⸮⸢pri̯.t⸣? //[5]// ḥr,j ḏbꜥ,t.pl jm,j-rʾ g(ꜣw),t.pl nb(.t.pl) rʾ-ꜥꜣ ḫꜣs,t.pl m ẖkr,t-nswt smj [n]=f jn,w.pl Mḏꜣ m bꜣk.pl ḥqꜣ.pl [n.w] ḫꜣs,t.pl s[ḏ]r m-ẖn,w zḥ-nṯr hrw n(,j) ḥ(ꜣ)b ꜥꜣ šzp ḥnk,t.pl //[6]// m špss ḏḏ nswt m ꜥḥ ḥr(,j) ḥkn,w m dp,t-nṯr ḫft-ḥr nṯr ḥr,j bjꜣ,t nb(.t) Ztj.pl ḥr mw bšt
I was a trusted one of the king in the temple, mouth of Nekhen in the temple of Satet, the Nekhbite in per-neser, chief of the ka-priests, Royal seal-bearer and sole friend (of the King), one over the secrets of the king in the army, who hears what only a single (man) may hear, to whom the entire land comes (lit. the complete two lands) when he proceeds in front of the people to the places where the enemies of the king are smitten, one who enters the heart of the king [in private, while the] nome [governors(?) ...], one who is over the sealings, overseer of all duties of the door of the foreign countries consisting of the ornament of the king, one to whom were reported the $jnw$-gifts of the Medja, consisting of the tribute of the rulers of the foreign countries, one who spends the night in the god's booth on the day of the great festival, one who received presents from the riches that the king gives out in the palace, chief of praise in the divine barge in front of the god, one who is over every marvel of the Nubians from the cataract area (lit. who are upon troublesome water).
sawlit:Grabfassade//Biographie〈 auf Türsturz und Türrahmen〉: [3]
IBUBd7QRs9Tb2UUSoCOVNqJdG5U sentence id
//[b. originale afrikanische Namen]// //[3.Süd-Liste]// //[54 B]// [⸮Nḥtm?𓊇] //[55 B]// [⸮Ḥkꜣht?𓊇] //[56 B]// Wṯnt𓊇 //[57 B]// Bjm𓊇 //[58 B]// ⸮[M]s[t]?𓊇 //[59 B]// ⸮Jb?𓊇 //[60 B]// [⸮j?ꜣ]⸢h⸣𓊇 //[61 B]// ⸮[Kk]t?𓊇 //[62 B]// ⸢S⸣d𓊇 //[63 B]// [M]sḥt𓊇 //[64 B]// [K]ꜣ⸢m⸣𓊇 //[65 B]// J[ꜣꜣ,t]𓊇 //[66 B]// [⸮M?]⸢ꜣ(t)⸣𓊇 //[67 B]// [Ṯtn]ꜣ𓊇 //[68 B]// [_]w𓊇 //[69 B]// ⸢M⸣ḏꜣ𓊇 //[70 B]// ⸢J⸣š𓊇
[originale Liste, 3. Süd-Liste]: Nehetem, Hekahet, Wetenet, Bim, Meset, Ib, ..., ..., Sed, Mesehet, Kaau, Iaat, Mat, Tjeten, Hebu, Medja, Isch.
bbawramessiden:Tor-Ostflügel//(c) Topographische Liste: [54 B]
IBUBd2QsrRk5zEmQk9QHnW65v5c sentence id
//vs;K12// jw gr mꜣ.n smr-wꜥ,t(j) (j)m(,j)-rʾ-pr Ḥtp nfr-n ꜥḥꜥ sn=k jm n ṯꜣz,t n,(j).t Mḏꜣ Wꜣwꜣ,t //vs;K13// n-mrw,t [...] jri̯.n sn=k jm msḏḏ [zẖꜣ(,w)]=⸢k⸣
Ferner hat dieser Einzige Freund und Hausvorsteher Hetep gesehen, daß dein Bruder (=ich) nicht aufsteht für die Truppe von Medja und Wawat, weil dein Bruder (=ich) [nicht] tut, was dein Schreiber (=du) nicht mag.
bbawbriefe:pBerlin 8869//Brief des Iru an Mer-re-nacht über ein Verbrechen: vs;K12
IBUBd3zeWBjdkUwKq46M1GzAup0 sentence id
//[b. originale afrikanische Liste]// //[4.Süd-Liste]// //[49 B]// [Mnsjw𓊇] //[50 B]// [Ꜣms𓊇] //[51 B]// [Nḥtm𓊇] //[52 B]// [Ḥkꜣht𓊇] //[53 B]// [Wtn(t)𓊇] //[54 B]// Mst𓊇 //[55 B]// Bjm𓊇 //[56 B]// Mḏꜣ𓊇 //[57 A]// [⸮Kkn?]w𓊇 //[58 A]// Jb𓊇 //[59 A]// Jꜣ𓊇 //[60 A]// Ḥ[b]w𓊇 //[61 B]// Ṯtn𓊇 //[62 B]// Jft𓊇 //[63 B]// Kꜣm𓊇 //[64 B]// Mꜣ(t)𓊇 //[65 B]// Jš𓊇
[originale Liste, 4. Süd-Liste]: Mensiu, Ames, Nehetem, Hekahet, Wetenet, Meset, Bim, Medja, ..., Ib, Ia, Hebu, Tjeten, Ifet, Kaau, Mat, Isch.
bbawramessiden:Tor-Westflügel//(c) Topographische Listen: [49 B]
IBUBdyoQdpv0IUick1RD1FdkhV0 sentence id

 Mḏꜣ in following corpora

 Best collocation partners

  1. Nḥtm, "Nehetem (Ort in Nubien)" | "Nehetem"
  2. Ḥkꜣht, "Hekahet (Ort in Nubien)" | "Hekahet"
  3. Bjm, "Bim (Ort in Nubien)" | "Bim"

 Same root as

 Written forms

G17-U28-G1-N25: 1 times


G17-U28-G43-N25: 1 times


G17-D36-U28-G1-Z7-T14-N33-Z2: 1 times


 Used hieroglyphs



 Co-textual translations

 Part of speech

 AED-Ancient Egyptian Dictionary, Version 1.0
Data transformation, structure etc. by Simon D. Schweitzer
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Source: Teilauszug der Datenbank des Vorhabens "Strukturen und Transformationen des Wortschatzes der ägyptischen Sprache" vom Januar 2018 with contributions of Burkhard Backes, Susanne Beck, Anke Blöbaum, Angela Böhme, Marc Brose, Adelheid Burkhardt, Roberto A. Díaz Hernández, Peter Dils, Roland Enmarch, Frank Feder, Heinz Felber, Silke Grallert, Stefan Grunert, Ingelore Hafemann, Anne Herzberg, John M. Iskander, Ines Köhler, Maxim Kupreyev, Renata Landgrafova, Verena Lepper, Lutz Popko, Alexander Schütze, Simon Schweitzer, Stephan Seidlmayer, Gunnar Sperveslage, Susanne Töpfer, Doris Topmann, Anja Weber
Fonts: BBAW Schoell by TELOTA (License: OFL 1.1) and EgyptianHiero by Marwan Kilani (thanks, Marwan!)
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