
 Main information

• Katasterschreiber german translation
• scribe of the land-registry english translation
• substantive: substantive_masc part of speech
• 401063 lemma id
• Ward, Titles, no. 1450 bibliographical information

 Most relevant occurrences

ḏi̯{.pl}=sn pr,t-ḫrw tʾ ḥnq,t ḫꜣ kꜣ ꜣpd n jmꜣḫ(,w) zẖꜣ(,w)-n(,j)-tmꜣ jm,j-rʾ-〈ꜣ〉ḥ,t.pl m tp-rs(,j) Tꜣ-wr Jmzw rs(,j)-r //[A.4]// Jq mḥ,tj-r Ḫnt-mnw
may they give an invocation offering (of) bread and beer, of a thousand of bulls and fowl to the dignified scribe of the cadaster, the overseer of the fields in the Thinite nome of Southern Egypt - south to the Tentyrite nome, north to the Panopolite nome -, (called) Imsu.
sawlit:Stele des Antefiqer (Leiden V 3 = AP 7)//〈Stele des Antefiqer (Leiden V 3 = AP 7)〉: [A.3]
IBUBd7OhYQ8S1kMjmTOLgFr8byY sentence id
//[B.3]// jmꜣḫ(,w) zẖꜣ(,w)-n(,j)-tmꜣ Jmzw
The dignified scribe of the cadaster Imsu.
sawlit:Stele des Antefiqer (Leiden V 3 = AP 7)//〈Stele des Antefiqer (Leiden V 3 = AP 7)〉: [B.3]
IBUBd11Mhux9h0JWnyWt0y34v6U sentence id
//[B.1]// jmꜣḫ(,w) zẖꜣ(,w)-n(,j)-tmꜣ Jmn,y
The dignified scribe of the cadaster Ameny.
sawlit:Stele des Antefiqer (Leiden V 3 = AP 7)//〈Stele des Antefiqer (Leiden V 3 = AP 7)〉: [B.1]
IBUBdzblfqE9TUpQiPWckmo5BQ8 sentence id
jw ms //[6, 9]// zẖꜣw.w.pl-n.w-tmꜣm dr.w zẖꜣ.pl=sn
O, yet scribes of the field-register, their writings have been obliterated;
sawlit:pLeiden I 344 Recto//Admonitions = Ipuwer: [6, 8]
IBUBd39MQ8Q9dkwzkjUuOtxFV5A sentence id
rḏi̯ (w)j ḥm=f r zẖꜣ(,w)-n(,j)-ṯmꜣ
His majesty appointed me as (oder: versetzte mich zum) scribe of the cadaster,
sawlit:Stele des Sa-Montu (BM EA 828)//〈Stele des Sa-Montu (BM EA 828)〉: [A.7]
IBUBdxJ4PLQrQUW9suRN6nKTwNo sentence id

 zẖꜣ.w-n-ṯmꜣ in following corpora

 Best collocation partners

  1. tp-rs.j, "Kopf des Südens (südliches Ägypten); Süden" | "Head-of-the-south (the far south)"
  2. jm.j-rʾ-ꜣḥ.wt, "Vorsteher der Äcker" | "overseer of fields"
  3. rs.j-r, "südlich bis" | "southward to"

 Written forms

Y3-N35-V19-Z1-N23: 4 times


Y3-Z7-A1-Z2-W24-Z1-X1-U1-G1-G17-Z7-Aa19-Z1: 1 times


Y3-A1-N35-V13-U1-Aa6: 1 times


 Used hieroglyphs



 Co-textual translations

 Part of speech

 AED-Ancient Egyptian Dictionary, Version 1.0
Data transformation, structure etc. by Simon D. Schweitzer
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Source: Teilauszug der Datenbank des Vorhabens "Strukturen und Transformationen des Wortschatzes der ägyptischen Sprache" vom Januar 2018 with contributions of Burkhard Backes, Susanne Beck, Anke Blöbaum, Angela Böhme, Marc Brose, Adelheid Burkhardt, Roberto A. Díaz Hernández, Peter Dils, Roland Enmarch, Frank Feder, Heinz Felber, Silke Grallert, Stefan Grunert, Ingelore Hafemann, Anne Herzberg, John M. Iskander, Ines Köhler, Maxim Kupreyev, Renata Landgrafova, Verena Lepper, Lutz Popko, Alexander Schütze, Simon Schweitzer, Stephan Seidlmayer, Gunnar Sperveslage, Susanne Töpfer, Doris Topmann, Anja Weber
Fonts: BBAW Schoell by TELOTA (License: OFL 1.1) and EgyptianHiero by Marwan Kilani (thanks, Marwan!)
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