
 Main information

• Jammer german translation
• distress english translation
• substantive: substantive_masc part of speech
• 30020 lemma id
• Wb 1, 116.14; FCD 28; GEG 554 (Wortindex) bibliographical information

 Most relevant occurrences

wd.k(w)j rn=j //[15]// r bw ẖr nṯr Wsjr-Ḫnt,j-jmn,tjw nb-nḥḥ ḥqꜣ jmn,t rww //[16]// n=f n,tjt wn n-mr,wt ꜣḫ=(j) jm m-ḥr,j-jb šms(,w).pl //[17]// n(,j) nb-ꜥnḫ wnm=j pꜣq=f pri̯=j m hrw jri̯ bꜣ=j //[18]// jrt,w
I placed my name to the place where the god is - Osiris Khentamenti, Lord of eternity, ruler of the West, to whom rushes that which is - in order to be a potent spirit there in the midst of the following of the Lord of Life, so that I may eat his cake, so that I may go forth into the day and so that my ba may make lamentations.
sawlit:Stele des Semti (BM EA 574)//〈Stele des Semti (BM EA 574)〉: [14]
IBUBd81vymPxnkBCmV2vfu3eO6w sentence id
j⸢rtjw⸣ m s,t nb.t
Gejammer/Trauer herrscht (wörtl.: ist) in jedem Ort.
sawlit:tBM EA 5645//Die Klagen des Chacheperreseneb: [Rto 11]
IBUBd53koCIglULsk2q3D3sQYVU sentence id
[...] [š]m nb qd m jrtjw m-ꜥ ḫpr.t m tꜣ
[...] the possessor of character goes in mourning because of what has happened in the land.
sawlit:pLeiden I 344 Recto//Admonitions = Ipuwer: [1, 8]
IBUBdQcDr9TJTEJQvO6bghYlEU8 sentence id
ḥs,t.pl=sn //[4, 13]// n(.t) mr,t m jrt,jw
their weavers' songs being dirges;
sawlit:pLeiden I 344 Recto//Admonitions = Ipuwer: [4, 12]
IBUBdzJFWnAwf0DWmI57vU3frmY sentence id

 jrt.w in following corpora

 Best collocation partners

  1. ḥs.t, "Gesang; Lied" | "song; singing"
  2. pꜣq, "[ein dünnes Gebäck]" | "[a thin biscuit]"
  3. nb-ꜥnḫ, "Herr des Lebens" | "lord of life"

 Written forms

M17-D4-G4-A2-Z3A: 2 times


M17-D4-G4-N33AV: 1 times


M17-D4-G4-A2: 1 times


 Used hieroglyphs



 Co-textual translations

 Part of speech

 AED-Ancient Egyptian Dictionary, Version 1.0
Data transformation, structure etc. by Simon D. Schweitzer
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Source: Teilauszug der Datenbank des Vorhabens "Strukturen und Transformationen des Wortschatzes der ägyptischen Sprache" vom Januar 2018 with contributions of Burkhard Backes, Susanne Beck, Anke Blöbaum, Angela Böhme, Marc Brose, Adelheid Burkhardt, Roberto A. Díaz Hernández, Peter Dils, Roland Enmarch, Frank Feder, Heinz Felber, Silke Grallert, Stefan Grunert, Ingelore Hafemann, Anne Herzberg, John M. Iskander, Ines Köhler, Maxim Kupreyev, Renata Landgrafova, Verena Lepper, Lutz Popko, Alexander Schütze, Simon Schweitzer, Stephan Seidlmayer, Gunnar Sperveslage, Susanne Töpfer, Doris Topmann, Anja Weber
Fonts: BBAW Schoell by TELOTA (License: OFL 1.1) and EgyptianHiero by Marwan Kilani (thanks, Marwan!)
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