
 Main information

• Wag-Fest (Totenfest) german translation
• Wag-festival (funeray festival) english translation
• entity_name: artifact_name part of speech
• 43510 lemma id
• Wb 1, 263.1-5; LÄ VI, 1135-1139 bibliographical information

 Most relevant occurrences

//[A12]// jw=ṯn r rḏi̯.t n=(j) pr,t-ḫrw m ꜣbd smd,t wp-rnp,t pr,t-tp,(j)t (pr,t)-ꜥꜣ,t ḏḥw,t(y)t jwi̯ nṯr wꜣg //[A13]// rkḥ zkr tp,j-rnp,t sꜣd pr,t-Mnw.pl hꜣkjr.pl sḏr,t //[A14]// ⸢Pqj⸣ ṯnw,t 5 ḥr,(j)w-rnp,t.pl ḥ(ꜣ)b.pl nfr(.pl) n(,j) pr Wsjr jmꜣḫ(,w) Šn-sṯ,y
you are to give me an invocation offering on the monthly and the half-monthly festival, on the festival of the opening of the year, on the first and the great procession, on the Thoth festival when the god comes, on the Wag festival, on the burning festival, on the Sokar festival, on the New Year festival, on the Sadj-festival, on the festival of the procession of Min, on the Haker festival, on the resting festival of Peqer, on the numbering festival, on the festival of the five epagomenal days, on the beautiful festivals of the house of Osiris, (that is to) the dignified Shensetji.
sawlit:Stele des Shensetji (Los Angeles 50.33.31)//〈Stele des Shensetji (Los Angeles 50.33.31)〉: [A12]
IBUBd5ZQ3Q1ExUMjqEQSejKFIgQ sentence id
pri̯-ḫrw n=f m Wp-rnp(,t) Ḏḥw,tt Wꜣg Ḥꜣb-wr //[2]// Pr,t-Mnw Rkḥ Wꜣḥ-ꜥḫ,t Sꜣḏ Tp(,j)-ꜣbd(,w) Tp(,j)-smd,t Tp-tr nb n rnp,t ḥꜣb nb hrw nb n [_] wr ꜣḫ,t ḥꜣ(,tj)-ꜥ-n-Ḏb(ꜣ),t ḥꜣ(,tj)-ꜥ-n-Nʾ,t rḫ-nzw-mꜣꜥ mr(,y)=f P(ꜣ)-ṯnf,j mꜣꜥ-ḫrw zꜣ ḥm-Ḥr,w sḥtp-ḥm,t≡s P(ꜣ)-ḏi̯-Jmn mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
möge für ihn geopfert werden am Neujahrsfest, Thot-Fest, Wag-Fest, Großen Fest, (Fest) Auszug des Min, Brand-Fest, Fest des Aufstellens des Feuerbeckens, Sadj-Fest, Ersten des Monats, Ersten des Halbmonats, Ersten jeder Zeit des Jahres, jedem Fest, jedem Tag des ... des Horizontes, (für ihn,) den Bürgermeister von Edfu, Bürgermeister der Stadt (Theben), Wirklichen Königsbekanten, den er liebt, Patjenfi, den Gerechtfertigten, Sohn des Horusdieners, der ihre (der Gottesgemahlin) Majestät zufriedenstellt, Pa-dji-Amun, des Gerechtfertigten.
bbawgraeberspzt:〈oberer Wandabschluss〉//T 8: Opferformel: [1]
IBUBdWj1a5wmcUHEs7WwpjZRJxk sentence id
pr-ḫrw n=f (m) Wpi̯-rnp,t Ḏḥw,t(y)t Tp,j-rnp,t Wꜣg N,j-ꜥnḫ-nṯr
Ein Totenopfer für ihn (am) Neujahrstag (Fest), Thot-Fest, Jahresanfang (ein Fest) und Wag-Fest (Totenfest) dem Ni-anch-netjer.
bbawgrabinschriften:nördl. Scheintür//linker Innenpfeiler: [1]
IBUBd4p62V76iUkUuQsdRgeduVc sentence id
[n] [wrḏ] [jb]=(j) [r] [pr.t+] [n]=[k] [+ḫrw] [_]ḥ jm m [ḥꜣb] nb m ꜣbd m smd,t [m] [wꜣḥ-ꜥḫ] m ḏḥw,tt ⸢m⸣ [wꜣg] [m] [ḥnṯ,t] [m] [rnp].w,t=k
[Mein Herz wird nicht müde, dir] an allen [Festen] zu opfern, am Monatsfest, am Mittmonatsfest, am Fest des Feuerbecken-Aufstellens, am Thot-Fest, am Wag-Fest, [am Schlachtfest (?), an deinen Jahresfesten].
bbawpyramidentexte:〈östl. Fläche〉//PT 690: [P/F/Se 89]
IBUBd561W1EhKUJDkFDcYBnWFEc sentence id
//x+5,3// pri̯=k ḥnꜥ ꜣḫ(.pl) šps.w m ḥb wꜣg
Du wirst heraustreten mit den edlen Glänzenden im Wag-Fest.
bbawtotenlit:Papyrus Boulaq 3 (Theben West)//Balsamierungsritual: x+5,3
IBUBd4QQzUR7B0s2hFuk7XHmxv0 sentence id

 Wꜣg in following corpora

 Best collocation partners

  1. Ḏḥw.tyt, "Thot-Fest" | "Thoth-festival"
  2. Tp-rnp.t, "Jahresanfang (ein Fest)" | "Beginning-of-the-year (festival)"
  3. Wp-rnp.t, "Neujahrstag (Fest); Neujahrstag (Monatsname)" | "New-year's-day (festival)"

 Same root as

 Written forms

V4-W11-D39-W24-W24-W24-O32A: 9 times

Cannot be displayed in unicode

V4-W11-D39-W24-W24-W24: 8 times


V4-W11-W24-W24-W24-D39-O32A: 4 times

Cannot be displayed in unicode

V4-W11-D39-W24-W24-W24-V97: 4 times

Cannot be displayed in unicode

V4-G1-W11-W3: 4 times


V4-W11-D39: 3 times


V4-W11-W3: 3 times


V4-W11-W24-W24-W24-D39: 2 times


V4-W11-W24-W24-W24: 2 times


V4-W11-D39-N124A: 2 times

Cannot be displayed in unicode

V4-W11-D39-W24-W24-W24-N28: 2 times


V4-W12-D39-R33: 2 times

Cannot be displayed in unicode

W3-V4-W11: 1 times


D36-V4-W11-W24-W24-W24: 1 times


V4-W11-D36-W24-W24-W24: 1 times


O22-W3-V4-W11-D39-W24-W24-W24-O32A: 1 times

Cannot be displayed in unicode

V4-W12: 1 times


V4-W11-D37-N33A: 1 times


V4-W11-N33A-D39: 1 times


V4: 1 times


V4-W11-D39-W24-W24-W24-N1: 1 times


V4-W11-W24-W24-W24-Q6: 1 times


V4-W11-D39-W24-W24-W24-Aa18: 1 times


V4-W11-D39-O32A-W24-W24-W24-O22-V30: 1 times

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V4-W11-D36-W24-W24-W24-O32A: 1 times

Cannot be displayed in unicode

V4-W11-D37-W24-W24-W24-O32A: 1 times

Cannot be displayed in unicode

V4-W11-V97: 1 times

Cannot be displayed in unicode

V4-W12-D37-W24-W24-W24: 1 times


V4-D21-V97: 1 times

Cannot be displayed in unicode

V4-W11-D39-W24-W24-W24-O31: 1 times


Z7-W11-G1-W3-N5: 1 times


V4-W11-M17-M17-W3: 1 times


V4-G1-W11-W4: 1 times


V4-W11-X4: 1 times


V4-W11-O22-W3: 1 times


 Used hieroglyphs



 Co-textual translations

 Part of speech

 AED-Ancient Egyptian Dictionary, Version 1.0
Data transformation, structure etc. by Simon D. Schweitzer
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Source: Teilauszug der Datenbank des Vorhabens "Strukturen und Transformationen des Wortschatzes der ägyptischen Sprache" vom Januar 2018 with contributions of Burkhard Backes, Susanne Beck, Anke Blöbaum, Angela Böhme, Marc Brose, Adelheid Burkhardt, Roberto A. Díaz Hernández, Peter Dils, Roland Enmarch, Frank Feder, Heinz Felber, Silke Grallert, Stefan Grunert, Ingelore Hafemann, Anne Herzberg, John M. Iskander, Ines Köhler, Maxim Kupreyev, Renata Landgrafova, Verena Lepper, Lutz Popko, Alexander Schütze, Simon Schweitzer, Stephan Seidlmayer, Gunnar Sperveslage, Susanne Töpfer, Doris Topmann, Anja Weber
Fonts: BBAW Schoell by TELOTA (License: OFL 1.1) and EgyptianHiero by Marwan Kilani (thanks, Marwan!)
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