
 Main information

• davor befindlich; vorderer german translation
• - english translation missing
• adjective: nisbe_adjective_substantive part of speech
• 852261 lemma id
• Wb 5, 283.1-6; FCD 297; Van der Molen, Dictionary of Coffin Texts, 719 bibliographical information

 Most relevant occurrences

jri̯ r(ʾ)-ꜥꜣ ḥr n,t(j)t jw,t(j)t ḫnt,j jꜣw, m pr-nswt //[6]// nb pꜣ,t ḏr rk tp,ꜥ jm,j-jb-n-nswt m ꜥḥ=f m sḥr rḫ,yt ḥr=f jwi̯.w n=f m ks r r(w).tj pr-nswt ḥqꜣ-ḥw,t(j).pl ḫrp-jꜣw, wšd.w tp,j-ꜥ.du šnw, //[7]// tkn.t m ꜥḥ rḫ n[,tj] štꜣ hrw mdw šnw,tj wr jd,t nb šf,yt hrw sṯꜣ twꜣ smj n nswt m-wꜥꜥ,w tkn s,t hrw n(,j) sꜥšꜣ wbꜣ.w n=f nswt mdw=f r jri̯.t ꜥrr,jt ḥr=f //[8]// mꜣꜥ hrw n(,j) ⸮[ẖr,j]? s,t jw,tw tši̯,t=f
one who acts as a fortress over all that is and that is not, one foremost of offices in the royal palace, lord of the old time since the time of the ancestors, king's favourite in his palace in keeping the commoners away from him, to whom the great ones come bending to the gate of the palace, supervisor of estate personnel, leader of officals, whom the great ones greet, one who is in front of the courtiers who draw nigh to the palace, one who knows the hidden one on the day of speaking, an official great in incense, possessor of dignity on the day of bringing the lowly, one who reports to the king in private, one whose seat is near (the king) on the day of assembly, to whom the king reveals his word in order to be a gateway with respect to it, a true one on the day of representation (?), one without transgression.
sawlit:Stele des Antef, Son des Tjefi (MMA 57.95)//〈Stele des Antef, Son des Tjefi (MMA 57.95)〉: [5]
IBUBdQ4MDKcWIkwJpcb138ywcK4 sentence id
[ḫsr]=[f] [ḏw,t] [tp.t-ꜥ.w] Ppy Nfr-kꜣ-Rꜥw sḥri̯=f ḏw,t jm.t-ḫt Ppy Nfr-kꜣ-Rꜥw mr mꜥmjꜣ.w,t ḫnt(,j)-Ḫm sḥri̯.t ḏw,t tp.t-ꜥ.wdu=f ḫsr.t ḏw[,t] [jm.t-ḫt]=[f]
[Er wird das Böse, das vor] Pepi Neferkare [ist, vertreiben], er wird das Böse, das hinter Pepi Neferkare ist, entfernen wie die Wurfhölzer des Vordersten von Letopolis, die das Böse, das vor ihm ist, entfernen und die das Böse, [das hinter ihm ist], vertreiben.
bbawpyramidentexte:〈Ostwand〉//PT 469: [N/A/E inf 60 = 1055+73]
IBUBd5voAV4Io0XvqdsMDMviWvI sentence id
//[199]// n(,j)-sw jm(,j).w-ḫt Rꜥw tp(,j).w-ꜥ.w(j) nṯr-dwꜣ(,wj)
Er gehört zu denen hinter Re, (zu) denen vor dem Morgendlichen Gott.
bbawpyramidentexte:〈Ostgiebel〉//PT 211: [199]
IBUBd7K4s1dU8ksmsyhnseyuQZM sentence id
n(,j)-sw jm(,j).w-ḫt Rꜥw tp(,j).w-ꜥ.w(j) nṯr-dwꜣ,w(j)
Er gehört zu denen hinter Re, (zu) denen vor dem Morgendlichen Gott.
bbawpyramidentexte:〈Ostgiebel〉//PT 211: [T/F/E sup 24 = 77]
IBUBd2FeiLbfN096pl5SmhnMD5Q sentence id
n(,j)-sw jm(,j).w-ḫt Rꜥw tp(,j).w-ꜥ,du nṯr-dwꜣ,w(j)
Er gehört zu denen hinter Re, (zu) denen vor dem Morgendlichen Gott.
bbawpyramidentexte:〈Ostgiebel〉//PT 211: [N/F/E sup 26 = 609]
IBUBdx2yicO0yUHsm2OIyTS6L8w sentence id

 tp.j-ꜥ.wj in following corpora

 Best collocation partners

  1. ḏw.t, "Schlechtes; Böses" | "evil; dirt"
  2. jm.j-ḫt, "befindlich hinter" | "following after"
  3. ꜥmꜥꜣ.t, "Wurfholz; Wurfnetz; Klangholz" | "throw stick; casting net"

 Written forms

D1-Q3-D36-2: 1 times

Cannot be displayed in unicode

 Used hieroglyphs



 Co-textual translations

 Part of speech

 AED-Ancient Egyptian Dictionary, Version 1.0
Data transformation, structure etc. by Simon D. Schweitzer
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Source: Teilauszug der Datenbank des Vorhabens "Strukturen und Transformationen des Wortschatzes der ägyptischen Sprache" vom Januar 2018 with contributions of Burkhard Backes, Susanne Beck, Anke Blöbaum, Angela Böhme, Marc Brose, Adelheid Burkhardt, Roberto A. Díaz Hernández, Peter Dils, Roland Enmarch, Frank Feder, Heinz Felber, Silke Grallert, Stefan Grunert, Ingelore Hafemann, Anne Herzberg, John M. Iskander, Ines Köhler, Maxim Kupreyev, Renata Landgrafova, Verena Lepper, Lutz Popko, Alexander Schütze, Simon Schweitzer, Stephan Seidlmayer, Gunnar Sperveslage, Susanne Töpfer, Doris Topmann, Anja Weber
Fonts: BBAW Schoell by TELOTA (License: OFL 1.1) and EgyptianHiero by Marwan Kilani (thanks, Marwan!)
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