Main information
• Zuverlässiger
german translation
• -
english translation missing
• substantive: substantive_masc
part of speech
• 853566
lemma id
• vgl. Wb 2, 168.10; Doxey, Epithets, 316 ff.,
bibliographical information
Most relevant occurrences
sꜥr šn,yt n nsw //[C.9]// mt(j) mꜣꜥ mj Ḏḥw,tj jm,j-rʾ-ꜥ-ẖn,wtj H̱nm,w-ḥtp
one who presents the courtiers to the king, truly accurate like Thoth, the chamberlain Khnumhotep.
sentence id
bꜣk=sn mꜣꜥ mrr=sn ḥzi̯.y=sn jrr ḥzz.t=sn nb.t m ẖr.t-hrw n.t rꜥ-nb jmꜣḫ nb jmꜣḫ,t //[A.5]// rḫ-nswt (j)r(,j)-pꜥ(,t) ḥꜣ,t(j)-ꜥ ḫtm,t(j)-bj,t(j) sm(ḥ)r-wꜥ.t(j) (j)m(,j)-r(ʾ)-mšꜥ N,j-sw-Mnṯw ḥr(,j)-tp sms,w-hꜣy,t tkn(.w) s,t ⸮mtj? m pr-nswt //[A.6]// ꜥꜣ sḫr m jpꜣ nswt jwi̯ n=f m ksw ḥꜣ,t(j)-ꜥ.pl m ḏi̯.y ḥr ẖ,t
Their true servant, their beloved and praised by them, who does what they praise in the course of every day, king's confident, hereditary noble and count, seal-bearer of the king of Lower Egypt, the sole friend, commander of the army Ny-su-Mnthu, chief elder of the portal, one whose place was near, the regulator of the palace, great of plans in the royal office, one to whom the great ones come bowing, and counts lay (themselves) on their bellies.
sentence id
j〈n〉 kꜣ n wꜥ-jqr mt(j) mꜣꜥ{,t} ḥs,y ꜥꜣ n nṯr=f Ḏḥw,tj zẖꜣ,w Jmn-m-jp,t mꜣꜥ-ḫrw
Für den Ka des einzig Fähigen, des wahrhaft Aufrichtigen,
des großen Begünstigten seines Gottes Thoth,
des Schreibers, Amenemope, des Gerechtfertigten.
sentence id
jnk gr,w m-m ḏd.w r=f zꜣ(.w) jwi̯.t=f jri̯.n jb=f mẖ h(ꜣ)b(.w) n mnḫ=f ḥr jb ssbq.n nswt //[B.10]// ḫnt tꜣ.du mḥ-jb=f ḫnt rḫ,yt=f mtj mꜣꜥ r-gs r(m)ṯ.pl sr wḥꜥ ṯzz(.t) mrr nṯ Tꜣ-wr
I was a silent one among the officials,
one of whom it was said: "await his arrival!",
whose heart conducted his affairs,
who was sent on account his being efficient in the heart (of the king),
whom the king honoured in front of the Two Lands,
his trusted one at the fore of his subjects,
a truly rightful one to (lit. in the presence of) people,
an official who untied what was knotted,
one beloved of the gods of Thinis.
sentence id
//[23]// gꜣw mtj ꜣr //[24]// ḥr ḫ, jt=f ḥtp.n hꜣi̯,y //[25]// ns,t=f bṯ.n zꜣ=f ḥr gnb,t=⸮f?
In Not ist der Zuverlässige/Aufrichtige, den die Beamten vom Besitz seines Vaters verdrängen, dessen Sessel ein Angreifer (?; wörtl: Hinabgestiegener) belegt hat und den sein Sohn bei {seinem} Gericht im Stich gelassen hat.
sentence id
mtj in following corpora
Best collocation partners
- jmꜣḫ.t, "Versorgtheit" | ""
- jp.t, "Frauenhaus; Innenräume" | "women's apartments; inner chamber"
- ssbq, "(jmdn.) ehren" | "to honor someone"
Same root as
- Mtj, "Zuverlässiger" | ""
- mt, "Gefäß (des Körpers); Band; Sehne" | "vessel (of the body); cord (of muscles, tenons, etc.)"
- mt, "Zäpfchen (med.)" | "suppository (med.)"
- mtj, "richtig sein; maßvoll sein" | "to be precise; to be correct"
- mtj, "richtig" | "correct; precise"
- mtj, "Richtigkeit" | "correctness"
- mtj, "sehr" | ""
- mtj.t, "Eignung" | ""
- mty.t, "Gradheit des Charakters" | "rectitude"
Written forms
D52-X1-D50-D50: 2 times
Used hieroglyphs
- MK & SIP: 4 times
- NK: 1 times
- Upper Egypt (South of Assiut): 3 times
- Eastern Desert: 1 times
- Middle Egypt (from Kairo to Assiut): 1 times
Co-textual translations
Part of speech
- substantive: 5 times
- substantive_masc: 5 times
- st_absolutus: 5 times
- singular: 5 times
- masculine: 5 times
Teilauszug der Datenbank des Vorhabens "Strukturen und Transformationen des Wortschatzes der ägyptischen Sprache" vom Januar 2018 with contributions of Burkhard Backes, Susanne Beck, Anke Blöbaum, Angela Böhme, Marc Brose, Adelheid Burkhardt, Roberto A. Díaz Hernández, Peter Dils, Roland Enmarch, Frank Feder, Heinz Felber, Silke Grallert, Stefan Grunert, Ingelore Hafemann, Anne Herzberg, John M. Iskander, Ines Köhler, Maxim Kupreyev, Renata Landgrafova, Verena Lepper, Lutz Popko, Alexander Schütze, Simon Schweitzer, Stephan Seidlmayer, Gunnar Sperveslage, Susanne Töpfer, Doris Topmann, Anja Weber