Main information
• vortrefflich machen; verschönen; stiften
german translation
• to make distinguished; to make effective; to embellish; to endow
english translation
• verb: verb_caus_3-lit
part of speech
• 135360
lemma id
• Wb 4, 136.7-137.25
bibliographical information
Most relevant occurrences
⸢〈s〉mꜣꜥ-ḫrw⸣ Wsjr r ḫft,j m ḏꜣḏꜣ[,t] m P [Dp] grḥ{t} //[rt. 1,6]// [pwy] [n] ⸢s⸣ꜥḥꜥ [__] n ⸮⸢__⸣? smnḫ=f m tꜣ ⸮tw? n Wsjr [⸮m?] [⸮(j)ḫ,t?] jtj 〈=f〉 Wsjr
Osiris ⸢wurde Rechtfertigung 〈verschafft〉⸣ über den Feind, im Gericht im Pe (und) [Dep], in [dieser] Nacht [des] ⸢Auf⸣stellens [...] von / für […], seine Wohltat (?) in diesem (?) Land des (?) Osiris [mit (?) dem Eigentum (?)] 〈seines〉 Vaters Osiris.
sentence id
ztp.n sw jtj=f Jmn m [___] m rḫ.n //[7]//=f jb=f r qd ḥw,t-nṯr r smnḫ rʾ
Sein Vater Amun erwählte ihn unter ..., weil er (= Amun) wusste, dass sein Herz (= Taharqa) einen Tempel bauen wird und die Tempel trefflich machen wird.
sentence id
[...] //[6]// (j)r(,j)-pꜥ(,t) ḥꜣ,tj-ꜥ ḫtm,tj-bj,tj smr-wꜥ,tj wr-n-nswt-ꜥꜣ-n-bj,tj ḥr(,j)-sštꜣ-n-sḏm,t-wꜥ //[7]// wr-m-jꜣw,t≡f ꜥꜣ-m-sꜥḥ≡f sr-m-ḥꜣ,t-rḫ,yt //[8]// jm,j-jb-Ḥr nb-ꜥḥ mḏd wꜣ,t n.t smnḫ sw sḥꜣi̯.n rʾ-ꜥ〈,wj〉=f //[9]// mnḫ=f rḏi̯.n nb-tꜣ,du fꜣ,w=f mḥ-jb n(,j) nswt m dꜣjr //[10]// ḫn pr-ꜥ m mr(w),t nb=f smnḫ.n mr(w),t=f //[11]// s,t=f jri̯ ḥss.t ḥs{n} sw wr-jd(,t) m pr-nswt (j)m(,j)-rʾ-mnf(ꜣ),t //[12]// (j)m(,j)-rʾ-ḥwn,w-nfr,w (j)m(,j)-rʾ-mšꜥ-wr Rḏi̯-⸮Sbk? 〈zꜣ〉 Dd,w-[J]n[i̯-jt≡f]
Hereditary noble and local prince,
royal seal-bearer and sole friend (of the king),
great one of the king of Upper Egypt, magnate of the King of Lower Egypt,
chief of secrets of what (only) one may hear,
one great in his office, great in his dignity,
an official at the fore of the people,
a trusted one of Horus, Lord of the palace,
loyal to the one who promoted him,
one whose actions his efficiency revealed,
whose magnificence the Lord of the Two Lands caused,
a trusted one of the king in suppressing rebels,
a hero in the love of his lord,
one whose love advanced his position, who did what the one who praised him praised,
one great of incense in the royal palace,
overseer of infantry, overseer of recruits,
the high general Dedu-(antef), 〈son of〉 Redisebek (?).
sentence id
//[N/F-A/N 20= 813]// j:jri̯ n=f nw jri̯.n=k n sn=f (W)sr(,w) hrw pw n(,j) jp n(,j) smnḫ ṯbw, n(,j) ḏꜣi̯.t r(w)d-wr
Tu für ihn das, was du für seinen Bruder Osiris getan hast an jenem Tag des Zählens der Knochen, des Trefflichmachens der Fußsohlen/Sandalen, des Überquerens der Großen Treppe.
sentence id
wn,jn ḥm=f ḥr jri̯.t mn,w n ⸢nṯ⸣ [ḥr] [msi̯.t] ⸢ḫm,⸣=sn m ḏꜥm mꜣꜥ n tp ḫꜣs, ḥr qd m ⸢mꜣw,t⸣ //[16]// m mn,w ḥn,tj [nḥḥ] smnḫ ḥr ḫr(,t) ḏ,t ḥr wꜣḥ n=sn ḥtp-nṯr m jmn,yt n.t rꜥw-nb ḥr sḏf pꜣw, tp tꜣ
Da baute seine Majestät Denkmäler für die Götter, schuf ihre Götterbilder aus echtem Elektron vom Besten der Fremdländer, bildete ihre Sanktuare erneut als Denkmäler bis zum Ende der Ewigkeit, vortrefflich gemacht mit dem Bedarf der Unendlichkeit, brachte für sie die Gottesopfer als täglich dauerndes Opfer dar und versorgte ihre Brotopfer auf Erden.
sentence id
smnḫ in following corpora
- bbawamarna
- bbawhistbiospzt
- bbawpyramidentexte
- bbawramessiden
- bbawtotenlit
- sawlit
- sawmedizin
- tb
Best collocation partners
- =f, "[Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.]" | "he; him; his (suffix pron., 3rd. per. masc. sing.)"
- mn.w, "Denkmal; Denkmäler" | "monument(s)"
- jm.j-rʾ-ḥwn.w-nfr.w, "Vorsteher der Rekruten" | "commander of recruits"
Same root as
- mnḫ, "trefflich; vorzüglich" | "effective; splendid"
- mnḫ, "vortrefflich" | "thoroughly"
- mnḫ, "Meißel" | "chisel"
- mnḫ, "meißeln" | "to chisel"
- mnḫ, "vortrefflich sein; trefflich machen" | "to be splendid; to make splendid; to be effective"
- mnḫ, "[Bez. für Speisen]" | ""
- mnḫ, "sich freuen" | "to be joyful (?)"
- mnḫ, "(Perlen) auffädeln; (Amulett) umhängen" | "to string beads"
- mnḫ, "der Vortreffliche" | ""
- mnḫ.j, "ordentlich" | ""
- mnḫ.w, "Vortrefflichkeit" | "excellence; virtues"
- mnḫ.t, "Vortrefflichkeit" | ""
- mnḫ.t, "die Vortreffliche" | "excellent one (epithet of goddesses)"
- mnḫ.t, "ordentlich" | ""
- smnḫ.t, "die trefflicht macht" | "Semenkhet"
- smnḫ.t, "Speisen" | "offerings"
Written forms
S29-Y5-N35-Aa1-U22-Y1: 13 times
S29-Y5-N35-Aa1-U22: 10 times
S29-Y5-N35-Aa1-X1-Z5A-U22-Y1: 4 times
S29-Y5-N35-Aa1-U22-Y1-N35: 4 times
S29-Y5-N35-Aa1-U22-N35: 3 times
S29-Y5-N35-Aa1-X1-U22-Y1: 2 times
S29-Y5-Aa1-U22-Y1: 2 times
S29-Y5-N35-Aa1-U22-Y2: 2 times
S29-Y5-Aa1-U22: 2 times
S29-Y5-N35-Aa1-Y1: 2 times
O34-Y5-N35-Aa1-U22-Y1: 2 times
S29-Y5-N35-Aa1-U22-Z4A-G43: 1 times
S29-Y5-N35-Aa1: 1 times
S29-Y5-N35-Aa1-X1-U23-Y1: 1 times
S29-Y5-N35-Aa1-X1-Z5A-F28-Y1: 1 times
S29-Y5-N35-Aa1-U22-Y1v: 1 times
Cannot be displayed in unicode
S29-Y5-N35-Aa1-Y2: 1 times
S29-Y5-N35-Aa1-Y1-N35: 1 times
O34-Y5-N35-Aa1-Y2: 1 times
S29-Y5-N35-Aa1-Y2-N35: 1 times
S29-Y5-N35-Aa1-Z5-Y1: 1 times
O34-Y5-N35-Aa1-U22: 1 times
S29-Y5-N35-U22-Aa1-Y1-N35-Y1: 1 times
Used hieroglyphs
- N35: 68 times
- Aa1: 63 times
- Y5: 61 times
- S29: 58 times
- U22: 54 times
- Y1: 37 times
- X1: 9 times
- Z5A: 5 times
- Y2: 5 times
- O34: 5 times
- Z4A: 1 times
- G43: 1 times
- U23: 1 times
- F28: 1 times
- Y1v: 1 times
- Z5: 1 times
- MK & SIP: 56 times
- NK: 38 times
- TIP - Roman times: 10 times
- OK & FIP: 4 times
- unknown: 1 times
- Upper Egypt (South of Assiut): 59 times
- Middle Egypt (from Kairo to Assiut): 29 times
- unknown: 11 times
- Nubia: 8 times
- Eastern Desert: 2 times
Co-textual translations
- vortrefflich machen: 91 times
- verschönen: 8 times
- gut machen, trefflich ausführen, stiften: 4 times
- vortrefflich machen; verschönen; stiften: 3 times
- stiften: 2 times
- Namen in gutem Andenken halten: 1 times
Part of speech
- verb: 109 times
- verb_caus_3-lit: 109 times
- singular: 42 times
- active: 36 times
- masculine: 30 times
- infinitive: 29 times
- suffixConjugation: 23 times
- participle: 20 times
- imperative: 14 times
- n-morpheme: 9 times
- passive: 7 times
- pseudoParticiple: 6 times
- relativeform: 5 times
- plural: 3 times
- feminine: 1 times
Teilauszug der Datenbank des Vorhabens "Strukturen und Transformationen des Wortschatzes der ägyptischen Sprache" vom Januar 2018 with contributions of Burkhard Backes, Susanne Beck, Anke Blöbaum, Angela Böhme, Marc Brose, Adelheid Burkhardt, Roberto A. Díaz Hernández, Peter Dils, Roland Enmarch, Frank Feder, Heinz Felber, Silke Grallert, Stefan Grunert, Ingelore Hafemann, Anne Herzberg, John M. Iskander, Ines Köhler, Maxim Kupreyev, Renata Landgrafova, Verena Lepper, Lutz Popko, Alexander Schütze, Simon Schweitzer, Stephan Seidlmayer, Gunnar Sperveslage, Susanne Töpfer, Doris Topmann, Anja Weber