Main information
• Aufseher
german translation
• inspector
english translation
• epitheton_title: title
part of speech
• 141280
lemma id
• Wb 4, 227.8-15; Jones, Titles OK, no. 3336
bibliographical information
Most relevant occurrences
//[3]// pr-ḫrw n=f m Wpi̯-rnp,t Ḏḥw,t(y)t Tp,j-rnp,t Wꜣg [Ḥꜣb-]Zkr [...] //[4]// ḥr,j-pr-pr-ꜥꜣ (j)m(,j)-rʾ-wpw,wt (j)m(,j)-ḫt sḥḏ (j)m(,j)-rʾ-⸢s,t-ḫnt,w-[š]⸣ [...]
Ein Totenopfer für ihn am Neujahrstag (Fest), Thot-Fest, Jahresanfang (ein Fest), Wag-Fest (Totenfest), Fest des Sokar ... dem Hausverwalter des Palastes, Vorsteher der Aufträge, Gefolgsmann, Aufseher und Vorsteher des Platzes der Chentuschi ...
sentence id
//Z1// ⸢sḥḏ-smn,tw⸣ ⸢sḥḏ⸣ Nfr- sḥḏ-sr smn,tj Nfrj-nfr
Der Aufseher der Prospekteure, Aufseher der..., Nefer..., der Aufseher der Ser-Beamten, der Prospekteur Neferinefer... .
sentence id
//[8. Person von rechts]// sḥḏ
Ein Aufseher.
sentence id
sentence id
//[3.6]// sḥḏ
keine Übersetzung vorhanden
sentence id
sḥḏ in following corpora
- bbawarchive
- bbawfelsinschriften
- bbawgrabinschriften
Best collocation partners
- Gjw, "Giu (?)" | "Giu (?)"
- ḥr.j-pr-pr-ꜥꜣ, "Hausverwalter des Palastes" | "major-domo of the palace"
- Nb-jb, "Neb-ib" | "Neb-ib"
Same root as
- nḥd, "laut fauchen; zischen" | "to roar; to bellow out; to raise one's voice"
- nḥd, "stark sein (o. Ä.)" | "to be strong"
- nḥḏ.t, "Zahn" | "fang(s); tooth (teeth)"
- Ḥḏ.t, "Die weiße Krone" | "White-crown (personified)"
- Ḥḏḏ.yt, "[Vogel oder Insekt, mit Isis gleichgesetzt, als ein göttliches Wesen]" | "injurer"
- Ḥḏḏw.tj, "Der zum Licht gehört" | "He-who-belongs-to-light"
- ḥtt, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant]"
- ḥḏ, "weiß; hell" | "white; bright"
- ḥḏ, "weiß sein; hell sein" | "to be white; to be bright"
- ḥḏ, "Licht" | ""
- ḥḏ, "Silber; Silbergeld (als Zahlungsmittel)" | "silver; silver (as medium of exchange)"
- ḥḏ, "Kapelle" | "chapel"
- ḥḏ, "Knochen" | "bones"
- ḥḏ, "[Gans]" | "[a goose or duck]"
- ḥḏ, "Kinnbacken" | ""
- ḥḏ, "weißes Leder" | ""
- ḥḏ, "Antilope" | "oryx"
- ḥḏ.y, "der Leuchtende" | ""
- ḥḏ.w, "Zwiebel; Knoblauch" | "onions"
- ḥḏ.w, "[ein Harz]" | "[a med. substance (aromatic resin?)]"
- ḥḏ.w, "[Bez. der Milch]" | "milk"
- ḥḏ.w, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | ""
- ḥḏ.t, "die Weiße (Müllerin)" | "white one (woman grinding grain)"
- ḥḏ.t, "Tageslicht" | "daylight"
- ḥḏ.t, "Weißes (Stoff, Kleidung)" | "white cloth; white clothing"
- ḥḏ.t, "die Weiße" | "white one (goddesses)"
- ḥḏ.t, "die Weiße (Krone von O.Äg.)" | "White (Crown of Upper Egypt)"
- ḥḏ.t, "das Weiße (des Auges)" | "white (of the eye)"
- ḥḏ.t, "Milch; [ein Getränk ("Weißes")]" | "milk; [a beverage, lit. white stuff]"
- ḥḏ.t, "[ein Krug]" | "[a vessel]"
- ḥḏ.t, "[eine Pflanze]" | "[a plant]"
- ḥḏ.t, "[Pflanze (offizinell)]" | "[a med. plant]"
- ḥḏ.t, "[offizinell Verwendetes]" | "[a mineral (?) (med.)]"
- ḥḏ.t, "[Bez. des Nilpferdes]" | "White-one (hippopotamus goddess)"
- ḥḏ.t, "[Rind]" | ""
- ḥḏ.t, "[Substantiv (Geröllstufen ?)]" | ""
- ḥḏ.t, "Honig" | ""
- ḥḏ.tj, "weiße Sandalen" | "white sandals"
- ḥḏw.y, "[ein Stoff]" | ""
- ḥḏw.yt, "Lampe (o. Ä.)" | ""
- ḥḏw.yt, "Laich" | ""
- ḥḏw.t, "Licht" | "light"
- ḥḏw.t, "[ein Schiffsteil]" | ""
- ḥḏw.tj, "Der zum Licht gehört" | "one who belongs to light (sun god)"
- ḥḏḏ, "Licht" | "(rays of ) light"
- ḥḏḏ.t, "[ein Fest]" | "[festival of light]"
- ḥḏḏ.tj, "[Bez. der Augen der Sonne]" | "eyes of the sun"
- ḥḏḏw.t, "Licht" | "(rays of) light; beams"
- ḥḏḏwj, "leuchten" | ""
- sḥḏ, "hell werden lassen; erleuchten; leuchten" | "to make bright; to illuminate; to shine"
- sḥḏ, "Licht" | "light"
- sḥḏ, "Aufseher" | ""
- sḥḏ, "[Substantiv]" | ""
- sḥḏ, "Erleuchten" | "brightness"
- sḥḏ.w, "Erleuchter (Sonnengott)" | "illuminator (sun god)"
- sḥḏ.w, "[Krankheitserscheinung]" | "[a symptom of illness]"
- sḥḏ.t, "Erleuchterin (Hathor)" | "illuminator (Hathor)"
- sḥḏ.t, "Aufseherin" | "inspector"
- sḥḏ.t, "Kasten" | "chest"
- sḥḏy.t, "Tempel; Palast" | "palace; shrine (i.e. god's palace)"
- sḥḏw.t, "Licht" | ""
Written forms
Used hieroglyphs
- Middle Egypt (from Kairo to Assiut): 7 times
- Eastern Desert: 3 times
- Upper Egypt (South of Assiut): 2 times
Co-textual translations
- Aufseher: 7 times
- [Titel]; Aufseher: 3 times
- [Titel]: 2 times
Part of speech
- epitheton_title: 12 times
- title: 12 times
- st_constructus: 1 times
- singular: 1 times
- st_absolutus: 1 times
- plural: 1 times
Teilauszug der Datenbank des Vorhabens "Strukturen und Transformationen des Wortschatzes der ägyptischen Sprache" vom Januar 2018 with contributions of Burkhard Backes, Susanne Beck, Anke Blöbaum, Angela Böhme, Marc Brose, Adelheid Burkhardt, Roberto A. Díaz Hernández, Peter Dils, Roland Enmarch, Frank Feder, Heinz Felber, Silke Grallert, Stefan Grunert, Ingelore Hafemann, Anne Herzberg, John M. Iskander, Ines Köhler, Maxim Kupreyev, Renata Landgrafova, Verena Lepper, Lutz Popko, Alexander Schütze, Simon Schweitzer, Stephan Seidlmayer, Gunnar Sperveslage, Susanne Töpfer, Doris Topmann, Anja Weber