
 Main information

• befindlich über; befindlich auf; oberer german translation
• being upon; being above; uppermost english translation
• adjective: nisbe_adjective_preposition part of speech
• 108300 lemma id
• Wb 3, 133.1-136.6 bibliographical information

 Most relevant occurrences

jr.y=j n=f ḥw,t-nṯr Rꜥ-ms-sw-mr-Jmn-sḏm-nḥ,t m pꜣ ꜥꜣ ḥr(,j) n(,j) pr-Jmn
Ich habe für ihn den Tempel "Ramses-geliebt-von Amun, der die Bitten erhört" am oberen Tor des Amuntempels gebaut.
smaek:Würfelstatue des Bekenchons//4. Rückenpfeiler: [Kol. 5]
IBcBMnV0fAXO70ani6JuyqBEZG4 sentence id
//[11.23]// mn tp.pl=sn m qs ḥr,j n(,j) qꜣb,t=f (j)ꜥr n ḥt(y),t=f
Ihre (Plural!) Köpfe/Spitzen verbleiben/ruhen (normalerweise?) im oberen Knochen seines $qꜣb.t$-Brustbeins (oder: Brustkorbs), der bis zu seiner $ḥtj.t$-Kehle hinaufreicht (oder: wobei sie bis zu seiner $ḥtj.t$-Kehle heranreichen).
sawmedizin:Papyrus Edwin Smith//9.18-17.19: Wundenbuch, Hals- und Rumpfverletzungen (Fall 28-48): [11.23]
IBYCeANnDMDm90e5vLmPIef321g sentence id
ḥm-nṯr-n(,j)-Wp-wꜣ,t.pl s(ẖ)kr ḥr-tp jꜣ,t=f nb-⸢šdšd⸣ qꜣi̯ r nṯr.pl spd šsr.w.pl nb-Zꜣ,wt(j) ḥr,j ns,t.pl Rꜥw-Jtm,w nḫt //[233]// [ws]r r nṯr.pl jṯi̯ tꜣ.du m {ḫrw-}mꜣꜥ-〈ḫrw〉 [...] m-{ḫrw}mꜣꜥ(.t) rḏi̯ n=f jwꜥ,(w)t n(,t) nḥḥ Wp-wꜣ,wt-Šmꜥ,w ⸮ḫrp?-tꜣ.du ḫrp nṯr.pl ḥzi̯(,y)=f mri̯(,y)=f ḥꜣ,tj-ꜥ Ḏfꜣ≡j-ḥꜥpj
priest of Wepwawet, decorated atop his standard - Lord of the cushion, one taller than the (other) gods, one sharp of arrows, lord of Siut, one who is on the thrones of Re-Atum, a strong one, mightier than the (other) gods, one who seized the two lands in triumph, to whom was given the inheritance of eternity, Wepwawet of Upper Egypt, the leader of the two lands, the leader of the gods -, his praised, his beloved, the count Djefaihapi.
sawlit:Great hall, Ostwand, Südhälfte//Text 223-249: [232]
IBUBd2IYc3zCr09Pu9Erx3NbT2c sentence id
ꜥn,t tw //[8]// n.t (J)tm(,w) ḥr(.t) ṯ(ꜣ)z bqs,w n nḥb(,w)-kꜣ(,w) sꜣꜣ.t ẖnn,w m //[9]// Wnw
Dies ist der Fingernagel des Atum, der auf dem Rückenwirbel des Nehebkau war und den Aufruhr in $Wnw$ (Hermopolis) beendete.
bbawgraeberspzt:〈unteres Register〉//T 25: PT 229: [7]
IBUBdyNz47anhkprk4JaSYircKY sentence id
//3. Register v.u.// [⸮_?]nt rnp,(w)t nb.t nfr.t [...] ḥr,(j).t jni̯.t m pḥ(,w)
... jede schönen Frischpflanze ... obere, die aus dem Sumpfgebiet geholte ...
bbawgrabinschriften:Westwand//Szenentitel: 3. Register v.u.
IBUBdWcGnrsFTEnrii8thSitPrU sentence id

 ḥr.j in following corpora

 Best collocation partners

  1. m, "[Präposition]" | "[preposition]"
  2. =f, "[Suffix Pron. sg.3.m.]" | "he; him; his (suffix pron., 3rd. per. masc. sing.)"
  3. n, "[Präposition]" | "[preposition]"

 Same root as

 Written forms

D2-D21-Z4-N1: 8 times


D2-D21: 4 times


D2-Z1: 4 times


D2-D21-N1: 3 times


D2-D21-G43-N1: 3 times


D2-D21-N1-Z7-Z2: 1 times


D2-D21-X1-N25: 1 times


D2-D21-Z7-N1-Z2: 1 times


N1: 1 times


D2-D21-N1-Z7-Z3A: 1 times


D2-D21-N1-Z2: 1 times


D2-D21-X1-Z2: 1 times


D2-D21-G43: 1 times


N1-Z2: 1 times


N1-Z1: 1 times


D2-D21-G43-Z2: 1 times


D2-Z1-N1: 1 times


D2-D21-Z7: 1 times


 Used hieroglyphs



 Co-textual translations

 Part of speech

 AED-Ancient Egyptian Dictionary, Version 1.0
Data transformation, structure etc. by Simon D. Schweitzer
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Source: Teilauszug der Datenbank des Vorhabens "Strukturen und Transformationen des Wortschatzes der ägyptischen Sprache" vom Januar 2018 with contributions of Burkhard Backes, Susanne Beck, Anke Blöbaum, Angela Böhme, Marc Brose, Adelheid Burkhardt, Roberto A. Díaz Hernández, Peter Dils, Roland Enmarch, Frank Feder, Heinz Felber, Silke Grallert, Stefan Grunert, Ingelore Hafemann, Anne Herzberg, John M. Iskander, Ines Köhler, Maxim Kupreyev, Renata Landgrafova, Verena Lepper, Lutz Popko, Alexander Schütze, Simon Schweitzer, Stephan Seidlmayer, Gunnar Sperveslage, Susanne Töpfer, Doris Topmann, Anja Weber
Fonts: BBAW Schoell by TELOTA (License: OFL 1.1) and EgyptianHiero by Marwan Kilani (thanks, Marwan!)
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